Re-Culturing Women’s Leadership

Women, we call on you now

Into a one-of-a-kind leadership council space, with great intention to elevate the quality of our communication, exalting the most authentic expression of Leadership Culture amongst Women.

Deeply devoted to evolving the quality, integrity and potency of Women’s spaces.

We have been in the “relational lab,” blending our medicines, perspectives, tools, and gifts to co-create a much more powerful movement.

Building a relational legacy that is felt within every Woman.
Between her and Humanity, her Body, the Earth, and Spirit.

This is the Art of Brave Relating

In this 2 hour council circle we will explore the
Four Foundational Brave Relating Pillars

intimacy, truth, love, honesty, etc

permission to take the sacred pause

hearing through the Womb Braille


Our intention is for you to walk away with tangible & somatically anchored ways to relate bravely, and for YOU to weave yourself into the Great Mission of Reculturing Woman and Humankind.

A 2 Hour Council to Explore

↠ inner intimacy as a bridge to outer intimacy
↠ reverently relating to our womb & womanhood
↠ centering evolution over ego & wound
↠ the maturation of leadership into guardianship
↠ a mobilization of our frozen primal instincts

In this council gathering, we will be guiding you through the storytelling & the somatics of Brave Relating as an Art form.

We will be exploring the concepts of courageous communication in a way that lends itself to, both, the outer and inner relations of Womankind - sowing seeds, deep within the soil of our Womb’s.

A prayer of deep intimacy and authentic relating, that lives on within the bones and blood of Women for generations to come.

“Sometimes the one who is running from the Life/Death/Life nature insists on thinking of love as a boon only. Yet love in its fullest form is a series of deaths and rebirths. We let go of one phase, one aspect of love, and enter another. Passion dies and is brought back. Pain is chased away and surfaces another time. To love means to embrace and at the same time to withstand many endings, and many many beginnings- all in the same relationship.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Jasmine Rose is a Womb Guardian, initiating sacred rites of passage of our Blood, Bodies, Birth/Death and Womanhood. She offers herself as a bridge between science and spirit, knowledge and wisdom, clarity and mystery - and holds the flame, illuminating the spiral path as women walk between worlds.

Jasmine is no stranger to the journeys of the Underworld - the path of descent is familiar to her bones. It is here, nestled in the Dark Womb, that she believes our greatest healing and medicine is stored. For when we have the courage to face our deepest wounds and shadows, we hold the key to our wholeness as women. It is here, on her own path of descent, that she met the wounds of separation that had fractured her relationship to herself, to Women, and to the Earth.

Through a deep, labyrinth journey within her Womb and Blood, she bowed down to these wounds and began the journey of reparations of them. And from this place, the heart began to beat within her Womb again, retethering her back to the Womb of Great Mother and reconnecting her to her relationship with Woman & Earth again.

Jasmine Rose holds the torch of love as women make their way into the descent of their own Wombs and access the medicine needed to heal these wounds. To have her as your guide, is to be loved through to the other side.

Alexis Sabatino is the Founder of the global women’s movement, She Heals Collective. She is an International Facilitator, Mystic Teacher, Storyteller, Poet, Rebirth Midwife, Intuitive Coach and Rites Facilitator.

She initiates and guides women through  rites of passage and soul embodiment. Her passion is in resurrecting the wild woman within by returning women to their ancient roots, original language, alchemical bodies, and authentic soul essence.

After 15 years of working with women in a multitude of ways, she gave birth to The Sister Shadow with the help of many seen and unseen forces that inspired her to fill the gap in the conversation of sisterhood and women’s work. After attending many superficial women’s circles, and witnessing these shadows play out again and again, she was called to name and honor the underbelly of sisterhood that is calling us into a greater embodiment of integrity and truth. She holds the intention to rewild WomanKind and re-weave the Culture of Woman. 

Meet your guides