I am Jasmine Rose

I am here to put the medicine back in your hands as you remember the wisdom of your Womb and Womanhood.

To hold space for the oceanic depth of the cycles of birth, death and everything in between

Here, all of you is welcome

You will be tended to reverently and devotionally

Body and Being

Welcome, Home

This journey is not for the faint of the heart.
This is a journey of descent.
Root to rise - the deeper we go, the higher we go.

I am here to unveil the hidden blueprints of your wild feminine, to gently whisper the language of your womb in your ear so that you can read the stories etched into your pelvis and sing them back to life.

What I know to be true is...

Your feminine spirit lives within the well of your womb bowl - the wild, untamed parts of you are hidden here, coaxing you forward each time you bleed.

Your menstrual cycle is your inner compass.
Your womb blood is your medicine.

As your womb swells, so does your heart.
I am here to illuminate all of the lies you have been told about your womb,
To watch them go up in flames.

Watch it all catch fire - together we will scoop up the ashes and watch them rise like the phoenix, deep within your womb bowl.

All life is birthed from this place,
Your sacred rebirth lies here.

Your womb is calling you home.

In one word, I would describe Jasmine as an oracle. Someone, whom at a particular moment, sees deeper into your possibilities, when it feels you cant, & further than you are capable of seeing into yourself. Someone who uses intuition, coupled with education and experience to provide a nuanced prescription of how to know, trust, heal and be with you. Someone who walks you home to safety and complexity of humanity and Self.

Jasmine showed me not only what it means, for me, to mother and nurture my body, but also how to hear it, believe it, receive it, and work with it, have patience for it, feel safe to sexualize it, please it, protec it, and relish in fully feeling it.

Jasmine is far more than a teacher of womb work. She is the its disciple. She is its bloodline. She is its voice & embodiment. She is to the world what the divine feminine is to humanity. Nourishment, Ferocity, Protection, Liberation, Softness. It’s beloved. And now, I Am, too.
— Shannon, USA

My Story

Much like you, my womb was longing for me waaaay before I finally began to listen. My journey started with a dark-night-of-the-soul, if you will. While bleeding thick, tar like blood for nearly 365 days straight, I finally began to hear the voice of my womb.

Everything was up in flames - all of the (un)truths that I had been so tightly clinging onto about my womb, womb blood, cycle, fertility - essentially my entire feminine essence - all came crashing down. I began a sacred journey to remember the long lost mysteries of my own womb and found myself much deeper than I had ever imagined.

I had taken the courses, read the books, sat in some of the most sacred temples in the world, gathered in ceremony after ceremony - but nothing compared to the journey of finally sitting quietly with this beautiful body of mine and LISTENING.

I became a student of my womb. My cycle became a sacred roadmap for me to follow. Womb blood became the vessel of medicine and wisdom, flowing from my body, continuing to remind me to come home.

It was a journey that cracked my heart open and offered everything to the fire.

Once you know the medicine of what it means to be a woman, you are forever changed.

I am forever changed.

Now, I hold space for women to remember their own medicine. I am not here to be your medicine, I am here to put the medicine back in your hands - to remember the hidden wisdom, deep within the well of your womb.

To come back into a space of WOMB LITERACY.

To invite you back into the body as home.


Certifications & Diplomas:

Life has been my greatest teacher AND I love to expand my knowledge so that I can continue to guide you in a safe and informed way.

  • Ma School - Womb Continuum Practitioner with Carly Rae and Andrea Terrones (CURRENT)

  • Registered Holistic Nutritionist (Diploma with Honours) - Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (2016)

  • Wise Woman Way, Holistic Birth Doula & Postpartum Training (2016)

  • ReBloom Trauma Resolution & Coach Training with Rachael Maddox (2020)

  • Tantric Rose Priestess Training & Mentorship with Leyolah Antara (2020)

  • Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner™ with Tami Lynn Kent (2020)

  • Compassionate Breathwork with Carmen Ganne (2021)

I deeply value the educational containers and mentors that I have learned from. I also want to acknowledge the countless hours of self study and embodied practice over the last 7 years surrounding my knowledge of: cycle charting, pelvic steaming, dance & movement, breast health, vaginal eco-system health, herbal nourishment, and pelvic/womb breathing (and so much more!).

I am passionate about learning and creating a collaborative approach to womb healing.

Working with Jasmine was a journey that led me from my head to my heart to my womb, supporting me in honoring my true, primal nature. The healing was deeply profound, which left me feeling more connected to my divine feminine energy and creative life force. Through our work together, I was finally able to drop the dense emotions that I held in my womb while creating a sense of true reverence for my cycle and my womb which is something I never imagined feeling, and for that, I am so grateful. I highly recommend Jasmine’s work to all women seeking to create a loving connection with their womb. She’s extremely gifted, and holds within her the womb wisdom of many lineages—wisdom that your womb is aching to anchor into.
— Ruby, USA

AS HEARD ON… Podcast Features

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Using your Cycle as a Portal for Healing with Jasmine Ros‪e‬


Reconnecting to the Wisdom of Your Womb with Holistic Fertility Expert, Jasmine Rose


The Energetics of the Menstrual Cycle with Sacred Womb Guide Jasmine Ros‪e